Coaching Offer for Life Transition

Feeling lost and unable to pick up a direction that would lead you to purpose and fulfillment? You’re not alone. Many of us reach a point where the path forward feels unclear. But here’s the good news: you have the inner strength to create a life you love.


  • Waking up excited about your future
  • Feeling confident in your choices
  • Discovering hidden talents and passions

My coaching programs can help you turn those dreams into reality. Whether you’re facing a quarter-life crisis or a midlife crossroads, I’ll support you through self-discovery, help you design a vision for your future, and develop a personalized action plan to achieve your goals.

Book a Free Discovery Session
The first meeting, the Discovery Session, lasts 30 minutes and is free of charge. It will allow us to get to know each other, decide if we want to work together, and agree on the terms and conditions of this cooperation.
Choose the Best Approach
I offer two programs to support people in the face of quarter-life or mid-life crisis. If you experience the emotions and problems of these pivotal moments in life, then you may enroll in one of the programs to benefit from the structured approach.

If you do not fit in these frames, but you want to clarify your purpose, find the meaning, and reach fulfillment despite internal and external challenges, then we can work together to create and execute a personalized approach to reach your dreams on the individual 1:1 coaching sessions.
Commit to Success
I am confident that you will find your purpose and achieve your goals. But the more dedicated and willing to utilize your internal strengths and tame restricting beliefs you are, then the stronger, more confident, and more fulfilled you will become. It will not come without effort and will not be immediate, but it will happen.
Acknowledge yourself for every step towards self-awareness, understanding your purpose, defining new goals, and achieving milestones towards reaching them. Enjoy the process and be proud of each, even the smallest, step forward.

Coaching Programs

Quarter-Life Coaching and Mentoring

Is your quarter-life feeling more like a quarter-life catastrophe?  Are you bombarded with questions about your career path, relationships, and future?  Do you feel pressure to achieve milestones you’re not sure you even want, leaving you anxious and lost?  Deep down, you crave a life filled with meaning, but doubt creeps in, whispering “is this it?”

If you want to navigate your quarter-life confusion with confidence, clarity, and a plan for a future that excites you, then my Quarter-Life Coaching and Mentoring program is for you.

This personalized coaching program will help you:

  • Identify your unique strengths, values, and passions.
  • Explore different career paths and discover what truly ignites your spark.
  • Challenge limiting beliefs and develop a growth mindset.
  • Build healthy habits and routines to boost your confidence and well-being.
  • Craft a compelling vision for your future and set achievable goals.
  • Develop strong communication skills to navigate important life decisions.
  • Build a supportive network of peers who understand your journey.

Stop feeling lost in the quarter-life struggle.  Let’s spark your passion, find your direction, and design a life that feels authentically yours.

Mid-Life Support

Is your mid-life turning into a mid-life crisis?  Do you look back with a touch of regret or glance at the future with anxiety?  Are your relationships feeling strained, and you are concerned with your health and mortality?  Deep down, do you know there’s more to life, but feel lost about how to find it?

If you want to navigate your mid-life transition with clarity, purpose, and a renewed sense of vitality, then my Mid-Life Support program is for you.

This personalized coaching program will help you:

  • Understand the root causes of your mid-life struggles and emotional shifts (e.g., burnout).
  • Reconcile past regrets and embrace the power of the present moment.
  • Redefine success on your terms, moving beyond societal expectations.
  • Revitalize your health through practical strategies for improved well-being.
  • Explore hidden passions and reignite the fire of your younger self.
  • Strengthen your relationships and build a supportive network for your next chapter.
  • Craft a clear vision for your future and develop a roadmap.

Don’t let your mid-life become a crisis.  Let’s reignite your passion and design a thriving second chapter filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Duration and Pricing:

6 * 50-minute session during max. 12 weeks

1 free check-up session 2 months after the last session

Free chat and email support between the sessions

Pre- or post-session homework (tests, reading, webinars, research, introspection)

639 USD

Individual Sessions

The goals and topics for the individual sessions are personalized according to the Client’s requirements and needs. The sessions can be purchased individually or in packages. The session duration is 50 minutes.

Single session: 119 USD

Package of 4 sessions: 449 USD

Payments and Rescheduling

All Regular Sessions following up the Intro Session will be payable, unless mutually agreed otherwise. The sessions are payable in advance using direct bank transfer, PayPal, or Revolut, and are not refundable except for the rare case when a cooperation is terminated by the Coach. 

I understand that things come up at the last minute and if you wish to reschedule the appointment, please notify me ASAP. Rescheduling earlier than 24 hours before the planned session is free of charge; after this time the missed session will be chargeable in 100%.

Please contact me for prices in PLN:  Contact Page.

Give yourself a chance to add meaning to your life