Midlife Crisis Triggers

When I survived my 50th birthday I thought I was immune to a midlife crisis. I was wrong. 

Intuition suggests that at 50 you have lived through 50% of life. But the 50th birthday is not the only turning point that may trigger evaluation of your past, present, and future!

There are many more moments when you realize your life has changed:

  • Your children do not need you in their daily lives anymore.

Sure they love you. But they moved from home, are independent, and maybe started their own families.

  • Your body and senses are deteriorating.

You still feel “young at heart”. But your body sends different signals.

  • You are no longer happy with your job.

You are successful and valued. But you feel burned out, no longer confident if your choices are right, looking for confirmation that whatever you do is meaningful and valuable.

These things will eventually happen. But they don’t have to catch you off-guard and trigger a midlife crisis.

Here is what you can do:

  • Always remember that raising your children to become independent and confident is the ultimate gift of love you gave them. And it is your success if they are ready to live on their own
  • Everyone knows it, but it has to be repeated: make a habit of taking care of your health and fitness long before there are any signals that this is urgently needed.
  • Be on the lookout for burnout symptoms and react quickly when you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, distant, or doubting your skills and value.
  • Celebrate each birthday as if it was the most important in your life!

Your age doesn’t have to dictate your happiness!

Which midlife crisis trigger is the scariest?