Midlife Rite Of Passage

I do not like the term “Midlife Crisis”. For me, it is a “Midlife Rite of Passage”.

A crisis is something dreadful that we must overcome to go back to the old normal. Midlife transitioning is different:

  • You go from young to mid-adulthood.
  • You go from the old normal to a new normal.
  • You have to find yourself again and choose a new path.

It’s your rite of passage, as in many tribes, social groups, and civilizations before:

  • You know your time has come.
  • You know there is no other choice.
  • You know you have to leave things behind.
  • You may be scared and doubtful of your abilities.

But you also know that many traveled this route before and they reappeared on the other side. Stronger. More confident. Ready for a new life.

Isn’t that better than a “crisis”?

Remember: It’s a midlife rite of passage, not a midlife crisis.

Do you have any other name for this period?