People Who Got Famous After Midlife

“If you think you are too old for something, remember that you will never be as young as you are today.” – This is what I heard from my daughter many years ago when I was debating if I am not too old to buy a motorcycle. I bought it and it was one of the best decisions in my life.

Society loves telling us our 20s and 30s are for chasing dreams. But plenty of people found their calling and fame much, much later.

  • Henry Ford created the revolutionary Model T car at 45.
  • Samuel L. Jackson landed his breakout role in Pulp Fiction at 46.
  • Alan Rickman landed his first big screen role at 46.
  • Paulo Coelho found global success with “The Alchemist” at 49.
  • Charles Darwin published On the Origin of the Species at 50.
  • Harland Sanders started franchising KFC at 62.
  • Toni Morrison wrote her first novel at age 40 – and won her Nobel Prize in Literature at 62.
  • Ronald Reagan entered politics in his mid-fifties and became the 40th President of the United States at 69.
  • Morgan Freeman won his first Oscar at 80.

Dream big and go for it, forget your age.

Listen to your heart. Who is your role model for the mid-adulthood?