Midlife Crisis in Different Genders

Men and women are created equal – but not necessarily in the face of a midlife crisis.

Both men and women experience a midlife transition. Many worries and challenges are the same:
·      Health.
·      Mortality.
·      Abandoned dreams.

However, there are also differences and I have a theory of their source. This is my summary of the midlife transition changes:
– Men try to stay young and enforce their status.
– Women are forced (and want) to move on.

I believe that the differences it is mainly due to the roles imposed by society (luckily it is changing).

·      Are considered responsible for raising children → so they have to reorganize their lives after the kids leave home.
·      Are expected to sacrifice their dreams for the family → so they can catch up with their old dreams and plans.
·      Are expected to look and be young → but only up to a certain age when they become “invisible” and are free to do whatever they want.

·      Are supposed to be successful in all areas → so they fight to keep their careers growing and show they are well-off.
·      Are expected to look and be young → so they try to stop time e.g., by finding a new, young partner.

There is no right or wrong way of dealing with a midlife transition. But knowing the influence of the external world should make us think: “How to make the best choices for ourselves and how to change the world?”

Use a midlife transition to be happy with yourself. Not to be who people want you to be.

PS 1 I acknowledge that there are more than 2 genders, but there are no materials to analyze different ones than females and males.