Midlife Crisis In Men

Guys, seriously, how do you cope with a midlife crisis?

We know a stereotype of a man in a midlife crisis. He leaves his family, finds a partner half his age, and buys a sports car. Sure, it is cliché, but there are reasons behind this behavior.

He is unhappy, confused, afraid of losing his position, missing the youth, and worrying about aging. What are the ways to cope with these emotions?

  • Shut down any feelings as if they do not exist.
  • Deal with the emotional turmoil himself without asking for any help.
  • Talk to his male friends if he can open up.
  • Talk to his therapist (very good choice!).
  • Look for help from coaches or mentors.

But wait. I’ve run a search on LinkedIn for midlife coaches using “men” or “women” in their titles.

  • 167 for women
  • 9 for men

This search is restrictive, not fully accurate, …etc., but it shows the proportions.

So, men, how do you look for help in this difficult period of your life? Because asking for help is not a weakness, but proof of a strength to open up to care for yourself and your close ones.